How to Fix macOS Not Installing

It’s frustrating when something goes wrong with your computer and you can’t find the solution. That’s exactly why we’re here! Today, we’re going to teach you how to fix macOS not installing.

MacOS is a powerful operating system that comes with its own set of quirks and problems. But don’t worry – with a little patience and knowledge, you’ll be able to fix macOS not installing in no time. So let’s get started!

Why does ‘macOS could not be installed on your computer’ appear

If you’re experiencing issues with macOS not installing, there may be a few reasons why. To fix the problem, you first need to determine what the cause is.

According to Tech Reviews, check the system requirements of macOS and make sure you have the required software installed. If you’re still having problems, try resetting your password or restarting your computer. If all else fails, consider using a system backup to revert to a previous version of macOS.

How to fix โ€œmacOS could not be installed on your computerโ€

MacOS not installing is a common issue that can be frustrating. In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to fix macOS not installing.

Try running the installer again while in Safe mode

If you’re having problems installing macOS on your computer, there are a few things that you can try. First of all, run the installer again while in Safe mode to see if that helps.

If the problem persists, you can erase your startup disk and reinstall macOS from scratch. If that still doesn’t work, you can restore your system backup. Whatever steps you take, make sure to backup your important files first!

Restart your Mac in Safe mode

If you’re experiencing problems with macOS not installing, restart your Mac in Safe mode first. This will allow you to troubleshoot and fix any issues that may be preventing the installation from proceeding. If that doesn’t work, try following these steps:

  1. Boot your Mac into Safe mode by holding down the Option button while restarting it.
  2. Open System Preferences and click on Startup Manager.
  3. Disable all of the startup items except for System Preferences and macOS installer.
  4. Reinstall macOS from scratch using the latest version from the App Store.
  5. Enable all of the startup items and restart your Mac to finish the process.

Free up space

If you’re experiencing the error message “macOS could not be installed on your computer,” there is a free solution available to you. By clearing out any unnecessary files, you can free up enough space to install macOS. Follow these simple steps to fix macOS not installing:

  1. Open Disk Utility and select your startup disk in the sidebar.
  2. Click the Erase button and select the volumes you want to erase.
  3. Click the Format button and choose Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the format type.
  4. Click OK to finish erasing the volumes and restart your computer.
  5. When you restart your computer, macOS will install automatically.

Reset the NVRAM

If you’re experiencing problems with macOS not installing, resetting the NVRAM might be the solution. This procedure will reset the operating system’s preferences and allow it to install properly the next time.

To reset the NVRAM, open Terminal and type: nvramtool reset . Once completed, restart your computer and try installing macOS again. If the problem still persists, contact Apple support for assistance.

Install in Recovery Mode

If you’re experiencing the error message “macOS could not be installed on your computer”, try installing macOS in recovery mode first. This will allow you to startup from a backup and repair any issues that might be causing the system not to install properly.

Once you’ve installed in recovery mode, restart your system and verify that the installation process went smoothly. If there are still problems, restart your system in safe mode and troubleshoot the issue from there.


Errors with installation of macOS system software, whether it be install-launch-update or active restart (not booting), can often be resolved by eliminating and preventing some common causes. For example, clearing out any unnecessary apps that you may have installed is one way to fix the errors in installing recent OS X distributions.

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